Charles Glenn Petersen

1960 - College Years II

State Center (continued)

At the time, Iowa State University required that all graduating Seniors pass an English Proficiency Exam. It amounted to writing a 500-word paper on a subject of their choice. It was offered every term so I took it during the Fall Quarter. I failed it because I committed 6 errors in a combination of spelling and/or punctuation where only 1 error per 100 words was allowed. So I took the exam again during the Winter Quarter, making sure that I made no errors of the kind I made before. I failed again because, as they stated it, I had not used any compound sentences. This was how I had made sure not to make spelling/punctuation errors. I then signed up for tutoring given by TA’s (Teaching Assistants) in the English Department, which amounted to meeting in a large room with a group of other failees and writing 500-word papers every week that they would grade on the spot. I signed up to take the exam again during the last month of the Spring Quarter. They waited until the very last week of the quarter to post the results. I could not believe this was going to hold up my graduation. Finally, the results were out and I had passed.